ABAP methods to download internal table contents into Excel

 data: begin of it_header occurs 0,  
 header(30) ,  
 end of it_header.  
  move 'FIELD NAME1' to it_header-header.  
  append it_header.  
  move ' FIELD NAME2' to it_header-header.  
  append it_header.  
  move ' FIELD NAME3' to it_header-header.  
  append it_header.  
  move ' FIELD NAME4' to it_header-header.  
  append it_header.  
  move ' FIELD NAME5' to it_header-header.  
  append it_header.  
 *Method to POP Up the file path to save  
  call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog  
 *   window_title   = ' '  
     default_extension = 'XLS'  
     default_file_name = lf_save_filename  
     initial_directory = 'c:\temp\'  
     filename     = lf_save_filename  
     path       = lf_save_filepath  
     fullpath     = lf_save_filefullpath  
     user_action    = lf_result.  
 * Check user did not cancel request  
    check lf_result eq '0'.  
 *Function module to download the internal table data into excel  
    call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'  
       filename     = lf_save_filename  
       filetype     = 'ASC'  
 *    HEADER     = it_header  
 *    APPEND      = 'X'  
       write_field_separator = 'X'  
       data_tab     = lt_result[]   "need to declare and populate  
       fieldnames    = it_header[]  
       file_open_error = 1  
       file_write_error = 2  
       others      = 3.  

Creating Step by Step Tutorial Using Windows 7 Problem Step Recorder

If you want to create a document with step by step procedure then this post will help you.

1. Go Run (Windows Key + R)

2. Type PSR.EXE in Run prompt --> Problem Step Recorder will open

3. Click Start record then do your steps

4. Once the steps completed Click Stop Record

5. Then It will ask to save the recorded file in ZIP format.

6. Open the zip file and the recorded contents will be opened in your browser.

Reference : http://windows.microsoft.com/en-in/windows7/how-do-i-use-problem-steps-recorder